Internet's Finest
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This is the page where I post pictures and chat logs
 from the most incredibly retarded people who surf the web. 
And lord knows there is no shortage of them.

Stupid Person of the Day!

George W. Bush!
Reason - This man won't stop sending me spam email, I clicked the frigging unsubscribe thing like 17 times but it still floods my inbox non stop.  Pictured right is a sample of the insanity I deal with regularly.

Stupidity Scale
0 - Only Mildly Afflicted by Teh Downz.  May be distantly related to Tardy, but it doesn't show except when he/she talks about complicated topics.
1 - Slight Chimp Tendancies, likes to throw feces.  Can be seen pleasuring his/herself in public, much to the disgust of those nearby.
2 - Shows Signs of Utter mental infancy, Often says blatantly false things and then acts indignant when proven wrong.  You might want to cover up the toilet lest he/she be caught drinking from it.
3 - Probably cheats at counter-strike, filled to the brim with stupid, operates mostly on retarded fumes that tend to seep upwards from the intestines.
4 - Perhaps one of the most retarded Idiots you will EVER meet.  Believes Yellow is a flavor.
5 - Incredibly Ridiculously Fucking Stupid, Seriously, how do you even manage to breath without having a heart attack.

Reason - To quote a famous pirate/revolutionary, At least he hasn't started World War III.


Insert Demeaning and/or Humorous Phrase here